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Work Toward Zero Debt & Better Credit

Get On The Path To Financial Freedom 

Madison Monroe & Associates has settled over $80 million in debt for our clients.


Number of settlements completed


Amount of debt settled


Amount we have saved our clients


Average monthly savings amount


Average total debt saved per client


Madison Monroe & Associates was founded on the core principles of providing ethical, moral, and honest money saving solutions to consumers in financial distress due to their unsecured debts. We have built our company around these fundamental principles and have been extremely successful at helping thousands of clients achieve financial freedom by way of our Debt Settlement, Student Loan Consolidation and Credit Repair Services.


If you need help and are looking for a reputable company that has been helping families for over a decade, then put your trust in a company so confident in its services that we charge zero upfront in fees. We do not make a dollar until we have shown you results. This is what sets us apart.


Talk to one of our experienced professionals today, and together we’ll start you on your path to financial freedom, solid credit-scores, and a positive relationship to your wealth and assets.

"I couldn’t ask for more helpful and personal people to help anyone. I would recommend them to anyone that needs help getting their finances in order."

Ruth Saville Oct 7, 2020

What we do.

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Debt Settlement

With our team of professional debt arbitrators working on your behalf, we will put an end to those harassing phone calls and get you a favorable settlement that you can afford.

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Credit Repair

Have you been turned down for a new credit card or loan? We have the solution for you! Our program helps you become lender-ready in the most efficient manner.

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Student Loans

Are you tired of managing multiple federal student loan payments with multiple interest rates or multiple servicers? We can help you lower your Student Loan Payments right away!


"This company has really made me feel supported about my student loans debt in ways I never imagined. They’re professional, responsive, very knowledgeable, and will help fix your financial debt situation. I’d rate them with five stars and I encourage anyone looking for these services, to go with Madison and Monroe Associates with confidence, because you’d be in good hands."

Maria Isabel

Dec 5, 2020


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