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  • Rafael Ulloa

Free Personal Finance Courses That Will Get You Back on Track

Spend the time you have off from work, learning how to manage your personal finances better.

Not everyone is as savvy about their personal finances as they would hope they would be. If that sounds like you, don't fret! You've got to learn somewhere. With financial uncertainty being a real reality for many people following the COVID-19 shelter-at-home orders, there has never been a greater time than now to get your finances in order. Some free personal finance courses are listed below to help you in your pursuit of greater knowledge. Making Sense Of Your Personal Finances: Learn to set S.M.A.R.T. financial goals and work out how much you need for your goals. The free course on Udemy includes one hour and twenty-two minutes of video to watch. It goes over subjects such as understanding the importance of and successfully setting financial goals, how to create a monthly budget that you follow, how to become a better saver, and how to keep yourself out of debt. You do need to sign up for a free account on Udemy to access the course material. It's a beginner-friendly offering great for high school seniors and college students who now have their own money to manage. Financial Literacy Alison's free course goes a few steps further by helping you understand the concepts between wages and taxes so that you're able to become a better earner. The ten-hour course also delves into the subject of retirement. If you know very little about how much you should save, the course could be very beneficial to take. Passing Financial Literacy with an 80 percent score allows you to receive a special certification in the subject that you can use to further your career. Madison Monroe & Associates Helps You with Personal and Student Debt Become a better spender, saver, and investor by learning what you can about personal finances today. You'll be able to navigate financial uncertainty with intention rather than react to the situation that you face emotionally. The decisions that you make are grounded in fact versus feelings.

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